I am from a city named Boulogne-Sur-Mer, in the north of France, along the shore of the Channel, not so far from the Tunnel linking France and Great Britain.



After completion of my Baccalauréat in Sciences, I chose to study physics with a Bachelor degree at the University of Lille.

Even before the beginning of my bachelor studies, it was clear for me that I wanted to study space and it mysteries.
As such, I tried to orientate the bachelor internships towards this goal, and first studied the CH3Cl-HCl molecule and its various isotopes spectroscopic signature, in order to constrain its geometric. The second internship was focused on Earth atmosphere, using the data of the AERONET/PHOTONS network to study the spatial and temporal variability of the aerosol content over France.


Following my love for space, I decided to continue my studies with a master specialised in astrophysics. None being available in Lille, I moved to Orléans in the center of France for a master including theory and instrumentation and specialised on Space and Atmosphere Sciences, with the cursus « Space Exploration », more oriented toward physics than chemistry.

I completed two internships during this master. The first one has been done in Göttingen, Germany, and was about spectral typing of stars in preparation for CARMENES. During the second one, accomplished in Orléans at the LPC2E, I studied the center-to-limb variation of the Sun, and other phenomenons on its surface, like sunspots, thanks to the data of the SDO satellite. The aim was to link observations in various wavelength.


Finally, after the successful completion of my master degree, I started a doctorate about exoplanetary sciences at the Observatory of Geneva, in the frame of the NCCR PlanetS. More information about that in the « Research » section of the website.